Operation Ida

Operation Ida

We Move Mountains

…and build Stations?

The Oracle 1.png
3303: The Pleiades was burning...
Hundreds of independent CMDRs banded together to help Operation Ida repair the region.

3304: Hundreds of stations in the Bubble, and beyond, remained offline...
Over 1,700 independent CMDRs came together to help Operation Ida deliver over 150 million tons to repair them all.

In 3308 a major escalation of the war with the Thargoids meant Operation Ida was called upon again.
For 2 years we moved mountains to aid Humanity in any way possible until finally the Thargoids were repelled from the Bubble.

Now colonization of new star systems has begun...
Once more Operation Ida will answer the call for aid and help humanity as it begins to blaze new trails.


Join the repair efforts today! 


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“Many argue that what humanity does best is go to war, and there certainly is ample evidence for that. But there is also a massive and growing body of evidence that humanity’s true strength lies in our ability to band together against apparently insurmountable odds, and pool our collective efforts to achieve something astounding. The pilots of Operation Ida and the other groups tirelessly shuttling materials to the wounded stations are proof positive of this resolve.”
— Calvert, Louis. “Operation IDA: Saving the Pleiades.” Sagittarius Eye, 5 Feb. 3304, www.sagittarius-eye.com
Unknown 1.jpg

Contributing Player Groups

  • Lave Radio

  • Leviathan Scout Regiment (LSR)

  • Miners Corporation (MICO)

  • Mobius Xeno Corps

  • New Player Initiative

  • Order of the Emblackenment

  • Paladin Consortium

  • Post Disaster Evacuation Service

  • R3D

  • Remlok Industries (RI)

  • Sagittarius Eye (SAGi)

  • The Silverbacks

  • Sirius Inc (SINC)

  • Squadron 11

  • Squadron 42

  • Third Independent Fleet (3IF)

  • The Tritium Depot

  • The Winged Hussars

  • 10th Legion

  • Anti-Xeno Initiative (AXI)

  • Bar of Dreamers

  • Cannon Research

  • Ceremonial Teabaggers

  • Children of Raxxla (CoR)

  • Civitas Dei

  • Close Encounters Corps (CEC)

  • Defence Council of Humanity

  • Delta Squad

  • ED's 38

  • The Fatherhood

  • Federal Democratic Congress

  • Galactic Pathfinders Group (GPG)

  • Hanks Anti-Xeno Initiative (HAAX)

  • The Hive

  • Hutton Orbital Truckers

  • Interplanetary Explorations (IPX)

    And many more…

“[The Oracle] was the first station to be attacked by the Thargoids and it is the first station to be repaired by Operation Ida. Let this station be a beacon of hope for the people living in the Pleiades Nebula for they can now know that they’re not forgotten.”
— Fett_Li upon news of the completion of repairs on The Oracle