
We are currently experiencing an above average number of colonization requests at this time. While your colonization timer ticks down, rest assured that your dreams are important to us and we'll do our best to provide you with the assistance you need.

Please note that our sole focus will remain requests for assistance with initial station construction as they feature a timer to complete; as such we will not be accepting follow-up colony expansions or installations requests.

Chart Legend

  • Completed
    Construction finished with Op-Ida’s help

  • Completed:
    Construction Finished without IdA

  • Cancelled:
    Colonization cancelled or resubmitted Requests

  • Reviewed:
    Requests reviewed by Op-Ida staff

  • Shortlisted:
    Selected by Op-Ida staff as potential next target

  • In Progress:
    Current Op-Ida target

  • New:
    Unreviewed requests

  • Requires Survey:
    Issue with request, requires manual scouting by Op-Ida staff