As the year 2021 comes to a close, Operation Ida is just months away from our fourth full year of repairing stations and as an established player group. To bring 2021 to a proper close, we thought we would do a little review on our past years worth of repairs and highlight some of our accomplishments, give the spotlight to some of our dedicated CMDRs, and share our thoughts for 2022. Without further ado, here is our 2021 year in review!
By the numbers:
Stations repaired: 46
Total tonnage delivered: 17,732,942
Total cargo deliveries: 24,384
Unique CMDR Haulers: 358
Ida carriers in active service: 65
Repaired Stations By Area
Pleiades: 20
Bubble: 12
Coalsack: 7
Witch Head: 5
California: 1
Hyades: 1
Top 10 Haulers By Tons
#1 Light027: 1,437,587
#2 Griffith Fontenot: 794,307
#3 FridrichF2L: 742,398
#4 tnks4listening: 695,774
#5 Jonne013: 644,173
#6 Penguin: 631,642
#7 YosoyHavok: 585,717
#8 Biff Cake 202: 542,809
#9 Vortex: 481,751
#10 Shouren: 417,570
Top Commodities By Tons
Beryllium: 2,418,398
Indium: 1,926,128
Synthetic Fabrics: 1,826,302
Gallium: 1,466,080
Polymers: 1,177,407
Number of times Tnks was pinged on Discord: 857
Number of Light rebuys: ∞ + 1
More words:
December 2020 ended with a bang with massive Thargoid attacks throughout the Coalsack and Witch Head nebula. The Coalsack and Witch Head based damaged stations, totaling nine stations, were repaired swiftly by late January. A break from repairs was enjoyed for a short while, until March 2021 which introduced the Elite community to the NMLA storyline and attacks. The NMLA attacks would continue for the rest of the year with another wave of Thargoids attacks occurring in May and November. The Salvation storyline helped eliminate Thargoid invasion to open up station repairs, but it remains to be seen what lasting impacts the Salvation storyline will have on the galaxy.
December is always a special month for us as it hosts our annual Hauliday Haul where we celebrate a year of repairs with events, prizes, and jolly good fun. In 2021 we concluded our 4th Annual Hauliday Haul, which benefited Doctors Without Borders. We hosted events such as a guardian trip, Beluga limbo, SRV geyser shenanigans, CQC, David vs. Goliath, 24 hr. haul, Whale Hunt, and a Thargoid lore tour. Overall we were able to raise $2,501 dollars so a huge, huge thanks to our event participants and donators! During our 24 hr. haul we were able to move 1,030,849 tons and repaired three (and two thirds) stations which was an incredible feat by our haulers!
Also this year we hit a major milestone. With the recent repair of Rix Depot, we have now repaired 200 stations as a group. This brings the total number of stations repaired by Operation Ida and other PMFs/independent CMDRs to 255! There are still several stations burning at the time of this post so we look forward to repairing even more stations as we head further into 2022.
Overall, 2021 was quite an eventful year for our player group. Our mission to repair the damage stations of the galaxy would not be possible without the hard work and dedication of our many haulers, staff, allies, and supporters. We appreciate all the efforts of AXI and the AX player groups as well as our PMF allies for making our repair job possible and being a friendly neighbor in the Pleiades. We want to extend our thanks to all our streamer and content creator supporters who help spread the word of Operation Ida and assist with repairs and events, such as CrispyTaytortot, YoSoyHavok, CMDR Buur, Grinning_Crow, Captain Archer, Flintlock Engineering, and many many more. Lastly we want to thank the staff at Frontier Developments for your support throughout the year. We hope you all had a very happy holiday and we look forward to what 2022 has to offer!