Artemis Lodge Active Again
As of midday today the final tons have been delivered to Artemis Lodge in Celaeno! With the completion of this station IDA has hopefully made progress in our goal of bringing purpose back to the pretty parts of the Pleiades. Titan's Daughter and Artemis Lodge, two absolutely gorgeous stations in stunning locations are now repaired and the Pleiades is starting to come back to life.
Following the long repair effort that was Titan's Daughter, Artemis Lodge was a decently easy target taking us under a month to complete; while working on the end of Titan's Daughter for the start of that. We will be continuing that theme with our next target of Kamov Survey in HIP 17892. Kamov needs just over 800k in supplies which is less than Artemis's starting totals however it does need more long range. In addition Kamov is an Industrial station and has a chance to provide much needed local supplies out here in the Pleiades once online!
Before we start the process of repairing Kamov Survey I want to take a minute to thank everyone who worked so hard on Artemis Lodge. This was a very quick repair, even faster than we expected and that is incredible as this isn't easy work we are all doing out here in the Pleiades and it's good to see the motivation is still there to get these things repaired! IDA as a whole came together to make this repair possible, however I would like to take a moment to thank @Poltargeist#7921, @Resurgence#6789, and @tnks4listening#8130 for they individual help in either mass hauling numbers, daily update support, or just generally providing motivation and information to fellow haulers. You all make IDA what it is!
Another fantastic job IDA!
CMDR Light027